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Some of the following information has been derived from the Fourth Statistical Account of East Lothian, a treasure-trove of information about the history and heritage of East Lothian villages and communities.

Innerwick is a relatively small rural parish with a nucleus of a settled population. There is a strong sense of community and village tradition. The oldest event in the village is probably the village flower show, which was established in 1873 and is still an important local event.

Innerwick Parish Welfare Association was set up to provide trustees for running the hall and the park. The hall was built in 1909 but it was to secure the position when Thurston estate was to be sold that action was necessary. The committee consists of chairman, secretary and treasurer, of representatives of the village organisations and of the community councillor, the schoolteacher and the minister ex officio.

The Innerwick Flower Show, organised by the Horticultural Association remains a highlight of the year and requires much preparation by the volunteers to run it each year.